The 21st Australasian Data Science and Machine Learning Conference (AUSDM'23)

Auckland, New Zealand, 11-13 December 2023

Call for Doctoral Consortium 

Submission Link via Easychair Submission System

The Australasian Data Science and Machine Learning Conference has established itself as the premier Australasian meeting for both practitioners and researchers in data mining. It is devoted to the art and science of intelligent analysis of (usually big) data sets for meaningful (and previously unknown) insights. This conference will enable the sharing and learning of research and progress in the local context and breakthroughs in data mining algorithms and their applications across all industries. 

The doctoral consortium (DC) of AusDM 2023 is aimed at providing Ph.D. students at all stages with the opportunity to receive feedback on their research (from established researchers in their fields), and interact closely with other researchers and Ph.D. students. Apart from extra feedback, we hope to provide students with new contacts and professional networking opportunities. 

We do not expect you to have addressed all research questions, nor expect you to have completed the Ph.D. However, we expect you to show an understanding of your research area and to have a clear plan towards addressing your research goals. This symposium is the best place to discuss these research questions with experienced researchers and fellow students to receive informed feedback. 

Research students who have an accepted main conference paper are also encouraged to submit to the DC session. The conference is planned to be an in-person event in Auckland, New Zealand. Participants from Australia and New Zealand are encouraged to attend it personally. There will be an option for overseas participants to attend the conference virtually. 

Submission Process

Submission Requirements: 

  • A 1-2 paged document with student information and a summary of the student’s research.  
  • Student’s information should include the student’s name, email address, homepage, university affiliation, Ph.D. (or other Postgraduate level research degrees) start date, expected graduation date, and name and email of Ph.D. supervisor(s). 

The electronic submission must be in PDF format only and made through the AusDM Easychair link here. The deadline for proposal submissions is the 30th of September 2023. We will notify the successful applicants by the 21st of October 2023.

Days until Conference












Keydates (AoE)

Abstract submission: 18 Aug 23
Paper submission: 25 Aug 23
Paper notification: 24 Sept 23
Tutorial/Workshop submission: 26 Sept 23
Tutorial/Workshop notification: 29 Sept 23
Camera-ready: 8 Oct 23
Author Registration: 8 Oct 23

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